Tryouts and Registration
The team selection process is carried out by the Team Intensity, We will have a tryout for new and old athletes for the Fall. These athletes will receive a reduced registration in the Spring/ Summer and an evaluation over their Fall season.Your athlete will be invited to an evaluation for placement. There will be 2 evaluation sessions between Winter and Spring. The evaluation session will cost $20. Fill out the registration form if you are interested in playing in 2016-2017 seasons. You will receive a confirmation email with details.
Mandatory Parent’s Meeting: A welcome meeting, and Q&A session will be held before the start of the season at our 1st Fall event.. Conversation and notes from meeting will be documented and resent to team(s)
Committments, Registration Fees, Payment Options
Registration for HS Teams
Early Registration is now live and payment plan options are available to spread out the registration fee and avoid paying the early registration cost in one payment. All games will be played locally in VA.
Fall Registration:
65$ (one payment by 8/15)
$75 (by 9/1)
$80 (after 9/1)
Play 2 Play Events
Pay 2 Play events are events that are not covered in the initial registration that are paid for separately throughout the season on an availability/ first come/ first served basis. Once registered, everyone will be asked to pick additional pay 2 play events to fulfill the 10 event requirement of playing on the National teams. Players will have to pick 4 P2P events. Everyone is welcome to pick more than the requirement of events.
There will be an additional 1-3 tournaments between September and November that you will have the option to pay and play in! This is the best competitive price you will see at this level, with a coach that will ACTUALLY DEVELOP YOUR ATHLETE!
If you have questions regarding the registration fees, email us @teamintensityelite@gmail.com. We can’t make payment arrangements with you if we aren’t aware of your current situation so if you’d like to discuss payment arrangements talk with us before exception to discuss with our board members for approval. There will be no refunds upon registration.
Prepaid Spring National Team Committments: (50 Games)
We expect our athletes to commit to:
Minimum of two National Events, (including NCAA, AAU Districts, Under Armour events & USJN National Qualifiers and Nationals)
3 Under Armour events
3 travel showcase events (this includes National events)
10 out of 20 tournament weekends. (This includes National and travel weekends thru August).
You will have a choice of the events you can register to play in, but you will have to commit to pay for a minimum of 6 events and including 2 National events.
All events will be covered in prepaid registration,
UA Intensity HS Showcase Teams
Team Intensity, in affiliation with Under Armour, will have an Under Armour, NCAA/UAGA/ USJN Showcase teams for 8th, thru 11th grade events. 8th grade team(s) will be formed to compete in NCAA & AAU events, plus 2 National events. We know it can be extremely expensive and time consuming during the Fall/ Spring seasons, so we put everything on the table and do what we can to make the experience progressive and fun for the athletes, and as easy and enjoyable for the parents as well!