Tryouts and Registration
The team selection process is carried out by the Team Intensity recruiting and coaching staff. We do things different here, which works out better for you and your athlete throughout the season. There will not be a tryout for these teams. Your athlete will be invited to a workout and evaluated for placement. Fill out the registration form if you are interested in playing this season. You will receive a confirmation email with details.
Refunds will be availabe for anyone who registers during the regular registration period. All late registrations will NOT be eligible for refund. You will be able to move a portion of the registration fee for another season.
Showcase Events, Tournaments and Costs
Registration for the Fall teams will be open until 8/10 and run thru
Sept. 10th 2015. The online registration form will be removed the night before finalization of
the teams. So if you are interested in playing this Fall, get registered asap so we can invite
you to some pre season workouts and receieve the early registration prices!
Early Registration: A registration deposit of $55 is due after you’ve been offered a spot on the team for all players. Late registration will be $75, until 8/20, and will be $85 afterwards
If you have questions regarding the registration fees, email us @teamintensityelite@gmail.com. We can’t make payment arrangements with you if we aren’t aware of your current situation so if you’d like to discuss payment arrangements talk with us before exception to discuss with our board members for approval.
UA Intensity Showcase Teams
Team Intensity, in affiliation with Under Armour, will have an Under Armour, NCAA/ EBC/ USJN Showcase teams for 9th and 10th grade events.We know it can be extremely expensive and time consuming during the Fall season, so we put everything on the table and do what we can to make the experience progressive and fun for the athletes, and as easy and enjoyable for the parents as well!