2015- 2016 ROSTER

March- May
This is the season where most of the development for the year will happen through higher levels of comeptition from travel tournaments, AAU Districts, in preparation for Summer Regional, and National tournaments and showcases.
June/ July
This is the midst of the recruiting season and National/ Showcase events. This is a time of fun and growth for each indiviual athlete. In this season, our girls work and master new moves and build confidence through having the green light to try things they have developed in the highly competitive Spring season.
This is a warm up season for an athlete's respective Varsity/ JV school, county, and/ or Winter season. This will usually be an 8-10 game season from mid- September through the beginning of November to shake off the Summer cobwebs and prepare for making a Varsity program!
This is the busiest season of basketball and most important game play for 4th thru 8th grade teams. This is when County(Select/FCYBL), and schools hold their regular season games/ leagues. This will usually be an 8-10 game season(s) from November through Feb.This is what all the Summer and Fall games are for!!!
Under Armour
Team Intensity Elite
Under Armour
Northern Virgina
Team Intensity
HS Showcase
Exposure Teams